Upcoming Events & Pics of Past Events

(Scroll down to see all upcoming events.
Keep scrolling down to see articles and pics of past events)

Future Events
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Past Events
Note: past event posters are included here as a reference for
all the information for that event.
This is also a repository of past events.

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Next Luther Movie study Session coming soon!

Our next session studying the 2003 move Luther will be on Tuesday, May 21 at 7:00 P.M.
To view the movie, please Please be sure to bring along your bible to the sessions along with these documents. Each session will begin at 7 pm and conclude at 8:30 pm.

In our cold winter climate we are familiar with the sport of hockey.
We may have played on frozen ponds or driveways, or taken our children to play at the rink.
For many it was a Saturday evening ritual of listening to or watching "Hockey Night in Canada!"
Please sign up for the lunch and stay for some fun.
The quiz questions will have multiple answers and you will just need to select the best one.
Why not wear a hockey Jersey or t-shirt!
Please join us for the Thursday, April 18 Faith Lutheran Church Luncheon and then have some with “The Hockey Quiz.”

Potluck Coffee Break Next Sunday!

Our next Potluck Coffee Break is happening again on Sunday, April 7.  
If you are able to bring along a small portion of finger food snacks to share, great! If not, please join us anyway for coffee, tea and snacks!
We will have tongs to pick up the food.
Come and enjoy good fellowship and the encouragement of brothers and sisters in the faith!

Hollywood Jesus Bible Study Session Dates/Times Announced

The survey results are in and have been compiled. Tuesday evenings were the most popular choice.

Our two sessions studying the 2003 move Luther will be on
1. Tuesday, November 21 at 7:00 P.M.
2. Tuesday, December 5 at 7:00 P.M.

You are invited to start watching the first movie (Luther) anytime now. Please go to www.youtube,com and type in “Luther Movie 2003” and click on the link to the movie (be sure you choose the link that has the movie length as 2:03:33) or click here. 

Study guides and a “cast of characters” will be provided to help you know the people involved in the reformation. Printouts will be available at church, or you may obtain that guide online by clicking here.
Please be sure to bring along your bible to the sessions, all of which will be at the church. Each session will be from 7:00 P.M. to 8:30 P.M.

(FAQ=Frequently Asked Questions)
FAQ List for Fall Bible Study “Hollywood Jesus”

Q: What will this bible study be all about?
A:  We’ll watch a movie and then discuss the themes/issues arising from them.
If you still have questions, please contact Pastor Rudy as follows:
phone/text: 306-221-9575 

Potluck Coffee Break Next Sunday!

Our next Potluck Coffee Break is happening again on Sunday, December 3rd.  
If you are able to bring along a small portion of finger food snacks to share, great! If not, please join us anyway for coffee, tea and snacks!
We will have tongs to pick up the food.
Come and enjoy good fellowship and the encouragement of brothers and sisters in the faith!

The Annual General Meeting will be held next Sunday, February 5, immediately following the morning service.


The next Noon Luncheon is scheduled for Thursday, February 16. Please remember to sign up if you are planning to attend.

What Do I Say Now?

Did you know that Grandparents play a significant role in in passing on faith in families? It turns out that adults in the survey who are active Christians cited grandparents as the model for their faith 37% of the time!

The term “Household of Faith” used here in this article and in this presentation does not refer to those  living under the same roof. It refers rather to those in the same family relationship-regardless of where they all live—sometimes not even in the same city—but under the banner of the word “family”.

This workshop will help people in all these families to look at the opportunities for intergenerational mentorship (this goes in both directions) and how it contributes to spirit ual vibrancy in the GenZ, Millennials, GenXers as well as that of Elders and Boomers.

All of the above is encouraging especially for elders and boomers who are living more solitary lives, as they continue to have an important opportunity to pass on their legacy of faith to the next generation.

Please join us on Saturday, October 29^th for a workshop/seminar designed to help you with ideas and ways to speak comfortably with “anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you” (1 Peter 3:15 ESV).

Please save the date and come to St. John’s Lutheran Church (123 South Railway St. West, Warman). This will start at 1 pm sharp and be completed at 5 pm sharp.

Our speaker will Lisa Jackson, Managing Director of the Lutheran Laymen’s League, Canada. She will be presenting insights gleaned from research regarding faith and culture, leadership and vocation, and generational groups—in ongoing studies of faith in North America.

Lutheran Hour Ministries (LHM) partnered with Barna Group—an industry leader for research-based insights about faith and culture, leadership and vocation, and generational groups—in ongoing studies of faith in North America, with additional review on Canadian culture. This collaboration has facilitated the creation of resources that address the needs of the individual Christian, the Church at large, and for those who don’t yet know the Gospel message.

In the spring of 2018, LLL Canada invited Dr. David Haskell to share his own research about the landscape of faith sharing in Canada and together we looked closely at the research and materials to ensure its relevancy in Canada. We found that apart from some small differences in demographics, the data representing the issues and concerns were the same.

The aim of the material is to encourage lay people and help them to meet people in conversation -where they are at. It enables us to gain a hearing for the Gospel in an inviting way—guiding those who seek toward faith.

If you have any questions or need more information, please contact Pastor Rudy by cell phone or text (306-221-9575) or email (rudy.pastu@sasktel.net).


Worship Service at Trinity Haultain Cemetery
You are invited to join us on Saturday, September 10th at 11 a.m. for an outdoor worship service to remember and commemorate the faith of family and friends who have gone before us in the faith. 
The service takes place near the grounds of the cemetery at Haultain. Immediately following the service, we will be having a good old-fashioned church picnic on site. 
Please note: the worship service will be take place outside. If the weather looks suspect that morning, please be sure to call the church office to get an update regarding if the service will be held there (weather permitting). If the service is cancelled due to inclement weather, there will be nothing else in its place that day.
Please remember the following: be sure to bring your own lawn chairs, cutlery/utensils/plates/cups, blankets, beverages, bug spray, sun umbrellas, and enough food to share potluck style. Mark your calendars and join us!

If you need a map or need more information, please contact the church (306-373-0510) or send an email to Pastor Rudy (rudy.pastu@sasktel.net)

The Crocus Co-operative…

…will be providing two tantalizing types of tasty soups that will tease and please your taste buds in two tastefully tongue pleasing temptations!

As well, a special guest speaker from the Crocus Co-operative will inform us of the work and purpose of this charity.

Please join us on Thursday, May 19 at 12 noon!

-brought to you by the Caregiving Team

PS-Please be sure to sign up for this using the sign up sheet posted on the bulletin board at church.




A different Seniors get-together approach – because God has granted us the technology!

Greetings in Christ, all of you Seniors luncheons participants!

It’s been several months since we sat at tables sharing a simple meal at lunchtime, chatting with friends, albeit hiding our smiles behind a mask. We did well to keep our distances and felt safe.

January is usually when we resume our lunches with some sort of programme. With the uptick of COVID 19 cases in Saskatoon it seems prudent to look for an alternate way to “meet”. Those of you, who took part in the “Meet in the Narthex” Zoom events earlier in 2020, know that they are not an ideal substitute for a “warm body” across the table. But they do work and at least allows us to see a smiling face.

In consultation with Pastor Rudy, Caregiving decided to try some Zoom events [Faith owns an account], at least for the next little while. Anyone who has a device such as a desktop or lap top computer, or a tablet can successfully participate and even the phone works, however without the picture of your friends. Pastor Rudy graciously volunteered to be the tech guy, as long as Caregiving comes up with a programme.

Let’s start this January 21 at 1:30 p.m. with just an introductory session, when participants may relate their experiences during the past few months. We should limit participation to 10 people so that everyone who wants to speak has a chance to do so. If there’s interest we might try another session the following week, January 28, with another group, depending on how much time Pastor Rudy has available to “tech-shepherd” us along. In February, we will come up with another idea of what to do during this time, maybe even have some fun.

If this is of interest to you, please, email Renate at hisrib@shaw.ca or Gaile Abel at gaile45@shaw.ca to register. We will ask Pastor Rudy to give instructions [in 20 words or…] on how to access Zoom. It is easy once you know itJ!

Registration deadline: January 14th, please.

In Christ,

The Caregiving partners,

Renate and Gaile


Our  Shrove Tuesday Wednesday Pancakes and Sausages Supper is on Ash Wednesday, February 26 from 6 pm - 7 pm. 
Ash Wednesday Service follow at 7:30 pm.
(PS-the deadline to sign up is Tuesday, February 25, by sending an email to faithlc@sasktel.net)



Please join us on Saturday, October 26 at 6 pm for a wonderful evening of fun, food and fellowship! The evening begins with a traditional Oktoberfest menu including Bratwurst, Sauerkraut, buns, home-made Potato salad and Kuchen, along with a treat: special libations.
The cost is $20 per person (8 and under free!). Tickets are now available for purchase on Sundays Oct 6, 13, and 20 (deadline is Oct 22). Live musical entertainment by Slim Chance is included! The entire event will be held upstairs.

Worship Service at Haultain Cemetery-You are invited to join us on Saturday, September 14th at 10 am for an outdoor worship service to remember and commemorate the faith of family and friends who have gone before us in the faith. The service takes place near the grounds of the cemetery at Haultain. Immediately following the service, we will be having a good old-fashioned church picnic on site. Please note: the worship service will be take place outside. If the weather looks suspect that morning, please be sure to call the church office to get an update regarding if the service will be held there (weather permitting). If the service is cancelled due to inclement weather, there will be nothing else in its place that day.
Please remember the following: be sure to bring your own lawn chairs, cutlery/utensils/plates/cups, blankets, beverages, bug spray, sun umbrellas, and enough food to
share potluck style. Mark your calendars and join us!

If you need a map or need more information, please contact the church (306-373-0510 or faithlc@sasktel.net).  


Got the winter blues?
Why not turn those winter blues into summer blue?
Join us on Thursday, February 21, at 12 noon for a wonderful home made meal for lunch, followed by a full on European River Boat Cruise!
To attend the lunch, please phone the church at 306-373-0510 or send an email to faithlc@sasktel.net to let us know you're attending. This is necessary so we know how much food to prepare. Deadline for signing up is Tuesday, February 19 by 12 noon.

Worship Service at Haultain Cemetery
You are invited to join us on Saturday, September 8th, at 11 am for an outdoor worship service near the grounds of the cemetery at Haultain. Immediately following the service, we will be having a good old-fashioned church picnic on site. 

Please note: the worship service will be take place outside. If the weather looks suspect that morning, please be sure to call the church office to get an update regarding if the service will be held there (weather permitting). If the service is cancelled due to inclement weather, there will be nothing else in its place that day.

Please remember the following: be sure to bring your own lawn chairs, cutlery/utensils/plates/cups, blankets, beverages, bug spray, sun umbrellas, and enough food to share potluck style. Mark your calendars and join us!
If you need a map, please contact the church (306-373-0510 or faithlc@sasktel.net).

Please note: there will be worship services held on Sunday, September 9th as per our regularly scheduled worship service at 9:30 am.

Join us on Sunday, May 6 at 11:00 am as we celebrate our congregation’s 50th Anniversary with a festive worship service.

A special PowerPoint presentation, featuring memories from the past 50 years will be shown immediately following the 11:00 am worship service.
Once we begin our special celebratory luncheon, and during the time we break bread together, a silent presentation will be shown featuring pictures of our work supporting our Brazil Mission support.

Worship Service at Haultain Cemetery
You are invited to join us on Saturday, September 9th at 11 am for an outdoor worship service near the grounds of the cemetery at Haultain. Immediately following the service, we will be having a good old-fashioned church picnic on site. 

Please note: the worship service will be take place outside. If the weather looks suspect that morning, please be sure to call the church office to get an update regarding if the service will be held there (weather permitting). If the service is cancelled due to inclement weather, there will be nothing else in its place that day.

Please remember the following: be sure to bring your own lawn chairs, cutlery/utensils/plates/cups, blankets, beverages, bug spray, sun umbrellas, and enough food to share potluck style. Mark your calendars and join us!
If you need a map, please contact the church (306-373-0510 or faithlc@sasktel.net).

Please note: there will be worship services held on Sunday, September 10th as per our regularly scheduled worship service at 10 am.

Reformation Commemoration

Please join us for an nter-Lutheran 500th Anniversary of the Reformation Commemoration Banquet at the Western Development Museum, Saskatoon – October 28th, 2017, 6:00 pm.  All Lutheran congregations in Saskatoon and area are invited and encouraged to participate in this festive evening.  Thank you for your cooperation and support of this unique opportunity.  Blessings, Reformation 500 Committee – supported by LuMinHoS.  Questions?  Renate Bishopp hisrib@shaw.ca  

Save the Date!

Vacation Bible School 2017 is coming!

Please join us this summer at Holy Cross Lutheran Church (1405 31 St W) on Sunday, August 20–Thursday, August 24 from 5:30 pm–8:15 pm. 

This year’s theme is a Medieval Castle adventure called “Mighty Fortress”. The children will learn that in Jesus, the victory is won! VBS will be for children ages 3-12, so make sure you let your children, grandchildren and great grandchildren and all their friends know!

Registration is now open for children ages 3-12. Click here to register.

There are a ton of different ways you can help/volunteer! You can click here to register as a volunteer.

VBS Volunteers Needed:
This is a role bestowed to each congregation to help champion VBS. You are a connector and know who to talk to in order to get things done! You are open to heralding VBS in three areas: helping to get the word out to all the children (through their parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles), you'll find ways to share the sponsorship challenges to fund VBS, and help us find volunteers.
Guild Leaders:
Tournament Leaders (Games)
The tournaments of the day challenged participants to show their strengths and to compete against the other kingdoms, this year our tournaments will be teaching children of the victory of Jesus saving us!
Great Hall Leaders (Snacks/Supper)
We are feeding an army this year, with 60 kids plus their families and our volunteers feasting, we need your help with shopping, food preparation, serving, clean-up and help with thematic snack to remind us about the tumbling walls of Jericho, Jerusalem road snacks and God's victory mix.
Mighty Fortress Leader (Bible Challenge)
Challenge the children with rhymes, riddles, word puzzles, and finish off with a song for the kids to remember their bible verse. Help Miss Patti shout out that God is Mighty!
Stronghold Leader (Storytelling)
Help the children get into costume and character as they act out bible stories and get ready for the King coming. Help Pastor Rod teach about Jesus our Saviour.
Festival Leader (Crafts)
This artisan will show the children how to make the make the crafts to take home to reinforce the message of the day.
Opening and Closing
Calling all actors, jesters, and singers to help with the acting of the opening and closing each day. This will be live theatre at its finest with Pastor Greg directing! 
Leading the children (a small army of six kids or helping with the toddler group) on a journey of learning throughout the evening you'll take your knighthood-in-training from site to site. 
Theatre Production (Audio Visual)
Since we don't have the acoustics of the coliseum we need a little help with PowerPoint and sound each evening. You'll help with the opening and closing and the Might Fortress Leader site.
You can keep track of the knights-in-training each day ensuring the children’s parent signs in and out each night.
Castle decorators
Holy Cross is ready for a castle make over. We need a crew that will help out beforehand gathering and creating items to transform the church into a castle with a moat and crocodiles, a great hall for feasting, a tournament area fit for kings and queens, and festival area for making crafts. Most pre-work will be done over the summer with set-up during the week before VBS. 

VBS is fun! Share your gifts with little ones this summer and help in any way you can! Volunteer before, during, and after as there is a role for you and we will be happy to use your time and talents.  Also, all who are over the age of 18 must have a police check performed and provided back by August 7.  If you are interested in helping with VBS please let Jackie Hunter know: at jchunter100@yahoo.com  306-260-7274. 

Please join us on Thursday, February 16 at 12 noon for an exciting presentation on the work being supported by the Women of our own Lutheran Women's MIssionary League Canada. 
Please phone the church at 306-373-0510 or send an email to faithlc@sasktel.net by Wednesday, February 15 at 12 noon to let us know you're coming!
Here's the info you need to know:

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Barnyard Roundup is coming!

VBS 2016 is “farm-tastic!” In Barnyard Roundup VBS, your children learn that Jesus gathers us together! They’ll look into the Bible, God’s Holy Word, and explore five Bible accounts where Jesus graciously gathers us together to be with Him with His abundant provision and saving protection, now and forever.

Registration is open for children going into kindergarten to grade 6 who will attend VBS from Sunday August 21 to Thursday August 25 from 5:30-8:00 (Supper is included). Come along with us as we sing fun songs, do crazy crafts, eat yummy snacks, play awesome games, and more. Plus, you’ll learn all about Jesus our Savior and how He gathers us together! Can’t wait to see you there! 

We had a GINORMOUS Garage Sale back on Saturday, May 14, 2016
Here's a timelapse of the basement from that day: 

A Seder Supper will be held on Saturday, March 19, 2016 at 6 pm at Faith Lutheran Church.  The Seder Supper is designed to help explain the origins of the Lord’s Supper, tracing it back into the Old Testament Passover. A wonderful evening of great food, fellowship and learning. Please join us! Tickets will be available for purchase on Sunday. 

To purchase tickets, please call (306) 373-0510 or send an email to faithlc@sasktel.net
Watch this for more info:

Please join us for a topic which no one wants to address….”Domestic Violence Hurts Everyone”. Heather Pocock from the Sexual Assault Centre, Saskatoon do a presentation on this topic. Judy Grande (Former LWMLC President, Author and Leader) will lead a Bible Study on this as well. Please note that even thought is a Lutheran Women’s Missionary League Canada sponsored event, men are invited as well! Please contact the church office (306-373-0510) to reserve a spot!

Outreach Event! 
Please be sure to invite your friends, families, neighbours, co-workers and anyone else you can think of to a Free Outdoor Concert on Saturday, June 20 from 7 pm – 9 pm in the church parking lot

Bring your lawn chairs!

Jennifer Jade Kerr (www.jenniferjadekerr.com) will be performing, and Faith’s Alpha Omega Worship Band will also be there! Ice cream treats will be available for purchase, and donations will be also accepted to help defray the cost of the concert. 

Monthly Potluck Luncheons
On the 1st Sunday of the Month after our 11:15 am worship service 
The Potluck will begin at about 12:15 pm (ish)
Foods you can eat with your hands (sandwiches, dainties, and other finger foods) are the choice for foods you can bring along to the potluck. We want maximum fellowship time! . Join us for worship at 11:15 am, and right after church we’ll gather and enjoy a potluck lunch as a church family. Breaking bread together is one of the best ways to get to know people better! Remember to bring enough for yourself and a little bit extra to share!

This is an event for the age 55+ crowd. Lunch will be served; there is a $5 cost for soup, sandwiches and dessert.
Please be sure to contact the church by Tuesday, January 20th at 12 noon to ensure you have a spot!

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2nd Annual Chili Cook Off!
We have several people/families who think they make the world’s best chilli. YOU will be the judge of that...great fun prizes too! If you want to enter a chili, please let us know ASAP (you can contact the church using the information here).
Join us for the family worship at 11:15 am, and then stay  for lunch  after church starting at about 12:15 pm (ish) for the cook off!

Weird Animals Vacation Bible School is over!
Registration was full! Thank you to all who attended and who helped out!
For children ages 3-10. 


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To enlarge the image below, click on it once.
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Typhoon Haiyan Relief Breakfast

Please join us on Sunday, November 24th at 9 am at the church for a special Breakfast get together. A free will offering will be taken in support of Typhoon Haiyan relief.
If you also wish to make a donation (above and beyond your regular offering) to help victims, please mark Typhoon Haiyan on your offering envelope.

Canadian Lutheran World Relieve (CLWR) is accepting donations to help people affected by the devastating typhoon in the Philippines. Typhoon Haiyan has caused extensive damage and it is estimated that 10,000 people were killed.

Our focus will be providing emergency shelter to 100,000 families affected by the disaster. We will be partnering with our American counterpart, Lutheran World Relief, in doing this work. Your donations will support this as well as other immediate priorities, including clean drinking water and non-food items for people in evacuation centres (including blankets and personal hygiene items).
FaithLife Financial has responded to the devastation of Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines with a $10,000 aid commitment in Special Matching Grants.  $250 Special Matching Grants are available to Chapters on a first-come first-served basis to the total of $10,000. This is in addition to the yearly Matching Grants already provided to Chapters. Funds raised through the Special Matching Grant will go directly to help in the relief efforts in the Philippines where the typhoon has devastated the area. 

All contributions received between November 12 and December 6 will be given to Canadian Lutheran World Relief. The Canadian government will be matching donations up to December 9, 2013.

-------------------------------------------------- Family Baking and Fun Day
The whole congregation is invited to join us on Saturday, November 30 from 2 pm -6 pm at the church. More details here.

Ukrainian Christmas Supper

Sweet Life with Pie!

Savoury Pies (you know, maybe chicken pot pie, shepherd's pie-that kind of thing) Sweet Pies (apple and some of the others!), all kinds of pies!
Seniors are invited to lunch, but you must sign up on the bulletin board at the church.

Summer Evening Camp (SEC) for Children:
Monday, August 19-Friday, August 23

Summer Evening Camp (SEC) for Children

Dates are Monday, August 19 to Friday, August 23, 2013

The time is 5:24 pm to 8:00 pm. 

More details, registration forms and a sneak peek video are all here, or you can click on the "For the Children and their Families" tab above.

You may also contact the church office for more information.


Worship Service At Trinity Haultain Lutheran Church

Please mark your calendars and plan to join us on Sunday, August 18th at 10 am.
More information is here.

Please Note June 16: Worship service (10 am) At Haultain has been POSTPONED...
Please note:
due to inclement weather, we are postponing our Haultain worship service. Please watch for the new date.
Instead, we will be worshipping at the church, Faith Lutheran Church, Saskatoon.
For more information about Faith Lutheran Church, please go here.

June 9: Chili Cook Off and Carnival
(worship begins at 10 am, with Chili Cook Off and Carnival starting at 11:30 am(ish)
Double click on the poster below to see it larger (and you may want to click again once it opens to enlarge it one more time):
Click here for a link to a special promo video for the Chili Cook Off.

Please contact the church by Monday, May 13 at 12 noon to let us know you're attending so we can prepare enough food for everyone. Contact info for the church is here.

the links listed work here:



The Mission Café...

will be open Sunday, February 3, 2012 at noon.  Your taste buds will be treated to two different home-made soups, buns, biscuits, artisan breads and a delicious table of desserts!  Admission is by free will offering, please be generous as FaithLife Financial will be matching the amount that we raise.  There will also be a tables upstairs for those who will choose to remain upstairs


The Meri Misfits...

will be joining us on Thursday, February 21, 2013 at 12 noon for laughter filled time!

 Faith Works Winter Newsletter is available now!
If you'd like to receive a copy via e-mail, send and email to rudy.pastu@sasktel.net

Family Baking Fun

Join us on Saturday,
December 1 from 2 pm - 6 pm for a time of baking, crafts, pizza and fun!

We'll be putting together gift bags for members of our church and our shut-ins.

Please bring a recipe and all the ingredients to make two batches.

WE'LL provide the crafts and the pizza!

This will a great way to get together with your friends from Faith, reconnect, and spend some time making some great baking.
You'll be making a great Christmas care package for our shutins and some of our other members who may not be receiving any other gift like this for Christmas.
We'll have some of our other members going over to see these people shortly to deliver these special care packages. By attending and getting involved, you will bring some very special Christmas cheer to those people. Please join us!
Bring along enough ingredients to make and decorate about 2 dozen of the item you'll be making.
Pizza and crafts are being provided by our Board of Education.
See you on Saturday, Dec 2 starting at 2 pm. We plann to be finished by 6 pm or perhaps a bit earlier.

Scavenger Hunt!

Time is 2 pm - 5 pm.
Saturday, November 17th.
Special activities for children, being held at the church, while those participating in the Scavenger Hunt are out, well, scavenging!

Question? Need more info? Please contact Kelli (653-1477) or kkeays@sasktel.net
Congregational Meeting
A follow up meeting from our November, 2011 Congregational Meeting is being held on Saturday, October 13th at 1:30 pm.
Childcare will be provided.
Please join us!

If you'd like a copy of the Report of the Facilitators from the Nov, 2011 Congregational Meeting, please send an email to rudy.pastu@sasktel.net

Walther. The movie.
Please note the date change to Sunday, October 14th (7:00 pm – 9:00 pm)
Concordia Lutheran Seminary St. Louis Presents the Historical Drama film, “Walther” being shown at Holy Cross Evangelical Lutheran Church (1405 31st Street West, Saskatoon) on Sunday, October 14th (note new date) from 7:00 – 9:00 PM. Join us for a movie about a man who sacrificed his homeland, his health, nearly his life...for the freedom to speak freely, to believe freely, to live freely...for his church and the faith of those he loved...and for us who would come after...
Carl Ferdinand Wilhelm Walther (1811-87), the father of The Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod, served as its first president from 1847 to 1850 and then again from 1864 to 1878. In 1839 he emigrated from Saxony, Germany, with other Lutherans, who settled in Missouri. He served as pastor of several congregations in St. Louis, founded Concordia
Seminary, and in 1847 was instrumental in the formation of the LCMS (then called the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Missouri, Ohio, and Other States). Walther worked tirelessly to promote confessional Lutheran teaching and doctrinal agreement among Lutherans. He was a prolific writer and speaker. Among his most influential works are Church and Ministry and The Proper Distinction between Law and Gospel.
Here's the trailer:
Or you can go here: Go here!

Saturday, September 29th was our annual Oktoberfest!!!
Pics coming soon!

Haultain Service
Once again this year, on the 4th Sunday in June (June 24 at 10 am), in what has now become “tradition”, we had our annual worship service and church picnic at one of the birthplaces of Faith Lutheran Church:Trinity Lutheran Church, Haultain.

The Sky's The Limit (Summer Evening Camp for Children Ages 2-12)
Watch for pics coming soon!

Jennifer Jade Kerr...
was with us on Sunday, May 27th!
Want to know more about Jennifer? Try these links:
Join us for on Sunday, April 29th at 7:30 pm for The Concordia University College of Alberta Concert Choir...

Spring Carnival and Egg Hunt (An event for the WHOLE family!!!!)

Fiesta...down Mexico Way!!!
Saturday, March 24th at 6 pm at Faith Lutheran Church
Double click on the poster
above to see it in a larger size

Mission Café Fundraiser:
opensed its doors after the worship service on February 5, 2012. As usual, spectacular home-made soups, buns/biscuits and desserts!
This event was sponsored by the Faith Women’s Society and FaithLife Financial in support of our missions giving.
Watch for pictures soon!
Family Game Day: Saturday, January 14 from 1 pm - 4 pm

We had a great time playing some favourite card games and air hockey, foosball and table top hockey!
Munchies and bevvies made the afternoon a treat!


We had a wonderful time with all the various generations at Faith joining together for a splendid afternoon of decorating a ton of cookies and cupcakes!

Saturday, December 3rd, 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm was the time and date!

We made Christmas cheer care packages for the shut-ins and others of Faith Lutheran Church.

Everyone was invited to bring a recipe and the ingredients to make two batches of their family's favourite Christmas baking.
We provided the crafts and pizza.

Watch for pictures soon!

Aspbergers Presentation

Double click to see a larger view
Faith Women’s Society invites all women to hear Donna Pastucha speak about Asperger’s Syndrome on Tuesday, November 15, 2011.

  • 7:30 pm: Faith Lutheran Women are invited to attend a brief business meeting

  • 8:00 pm: All other women are invited for the devotion/skit, Donna's presentation and coffee & stuff!
  • -----------------------------------------------------------


Our Congregational Meeting on Saturday, November 5th from 1 pm - 5 pm:

Please take a moment to read over the documents below:
There are two documents, each with three pages. Keep scrolling till you see all six pages.

This first three page document is a Pastoral Letter to the Congregation from Pastor Rudy. You can download it here in PDF form, or simply scroll down and then right click and do a "save as" for each page.

The second document is from Dennis Kendel, one of our Facilitators. They contain his opening remarks, which outline the process and procedures we will be following on Saturday. You can download his document here in PDF format.

(just click on each image to make it larger, and then, if you want, you may print it off as well):

Here are Dennis Kendel's introductory words for the meeting, outlining the process and procedures:


Double click to see this larger!
Thursday, October 20th at 7:30 pm
Can you benefit your church and family and still escape the taxman?
Come and find out!
More information soon!

Brought to you by Faith Lutheran Church's Board of Stewardship:

Barrie Meissner
Bob Lang
Maynard Haukeness
Gerald Schaan
Nick Bakker
Pastor Rudy Pastucha

Presented by James Dietrich (FIC, AFA), FaithLife Financial

Friday, Oct 14 and Saturday, Oct 15th at Faith!
"Good Lord, what do I do?" Women's Retreat.
Double click on the poster to see a larger version.

Thursday, September 22nd...12 noon:
Seniors Fall Supper at Lunch Time and "
Memories of Travels in Europe"

Please join us here at Faith on Thursday September 22, 2011 at noon for traditional turkey dinner with all the trimmings. Cost is $5.00 each.

Dennis Kendel will entertain us after the luncheon with “Memories of Travels in Europe.”

Please sign up on the sheet on the bulletin board in the lobby of the church.

Saturday, Oktober (!!) 1st at 6:30 pm-Oktoberfest!

Authentic Oktoberfest food! Great music by Lawrence Goebel and fellows, good friends, lots of dancing: a great time! There will be a licensed cash bar for beer and wine (please no spirits of any kind may be brought in as that would be in violation of our Liquor Board License). Mark your calendars now, invite your friends and be sure to bring the whole family at PopeJohn PaulII School(3035 Arlington Avenue-just a few blocks east of the church!) at 6:30! Adult tickets are $12.00, youth 6-12 are $6.00 and families can come for $30.00.Tickets are on sale now!

Admission includes supper (Bratwurst, buns, Sauerkraut, potato salad, coffee, tea, dessert). A Cash Bar Will Be Available!

Call or email the church office to make arrangements to purchase and pick up your tickets now to avoid disappointment.

Deadline for purchasing tickets is Wed. Sept 28th!

Our 2011 Vacation Bible School. go see what happened go here.

Worship Service at Trinity Haultain Lutheran Church on Sunday, June 26 at 10 am
Haultain Service-once again this year, in what has now become “tradition”, we had a worship service at one of the birthplaces of Faith Lutheran Church: Trinity Lutheran Church, Haultain. Immediately following the service, we enjoyed each other's company at a good old fashioned church picnic on site.
Watch for pics coming soon!

Youth Overnighter at Haultain Church Saturday, June 25-Sunday, June 26...pics coming soon!

Click here for pictures of the Missions Banquet on Saturday May 14, 2011
(double click on the pics once you're there to enlarge them)

right click and save if you want to make a printout
to hang up somewhere OR
double-click to see a larger version
Check out the MIssion Work supported by our Missions Fund Offerings through Central District, which include:

For a comprehensive overview of all the overseas work being supported by offerings given to Missions Fund in our budget, please go here.

Mission Work Supported By Our Missions Fund Offerings Through Lutheran Church Canada around the world include:

Click here for Missions Banquet on Facebook

Pictures of A Walk In The Holy Land presentation are here (double click on the pics once you're there to enlarge them)

is Thursday mornings at 8 am. Pick the option which works best/easiest for you: you can phone (373-0510) or visit the church office with your announcements/info or send the info via e-mail to faithlc@sasktel.net.

For any of our current or upcoming calendars, please email the church office  or phone us (373-0510) with times/dates you want on the church calendar